Monday, March 26, 2007

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

Schindler's List was a very drastic and inspiring film. It was one to remember. It showed many "horror scenes that will stay in my mind forever. I guess that's why the producer put those select scenes in there to show how could hearted the Nazis were. Such as the chilling scene of the gassed bodies being burned. One that may stay forever was the girl in the red dress. Although I know it wasn't suppose to be a joke but, the scene with the kids hiding literally for there lives. Especially the little kid that had to hide in the toilet whole covered in waste. That is so messed up, innocent kids dieing just to try to kill off a race. Imagine someone taking your kid away. Not on vacation or to the candy shop but to be killed. Now that's a stab in the heart. Who died and made Hitler king any way?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

Of course I agree. I think the article is %110 correct. They even back it up with a list of top events and headlines throughout the world's history. I tried thinking of things that might have been bigger but, just couldn't up with nothing because this was the most....words cant describe. It played a huge role in the world by changing the way people look at war. It also killed the most people in total of all wars. It even killed people years after the bombing because of the radition and even the "lucky" babies that weren't killed came out deformed. The U.S is avery strong but, selfish and or mean country. Its like they didn't even care that it was going to kill that much. But, then again it ended the war in an instant and placed us at the top with the power. Because now in the future other countries are scared of us. If i could change one thing tit would be 44 and 50. Jackie Robinson and I Have a Dream Speech (50) because I feel the speech affected more people.

Germany at War - WW II

Propaganda really means spreading any type of information such as rumors or ideas. It m ay also be information that is spread to hurt or help a group, organization, or person. Its something like an advertisement because it helps sread ideaas that may influence people. It can be represent by cartoons, posters, etc.
The poster is very interesting. It really stands up to the saying "a picture says a thousand words". I notice many things in the poster. A "iron" fist, graveyard, cross, cradle, bright colors, and something that looks like a industrial building. It also has German writing on that says means in English "Europe's Victory is Your Prosperity". It resembled Germany's "victory" over Britian. Because of the graveyard and the fist puching to the east.