Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

During the early 1900s in India times were hard for most. They were treated very unfairly, almost as if they were foreigners to the land. Until a young lawyer name Mohandus Gandhi, basically changed the world and gained India's independence. He helped gain their independence by many civil disobedient acts.
One great boycott was when Gandhi influenced everyone to burn the clothes that were made buy the British and mae their own. This effected the British deeply. It cause them a loss economicly and it showed that India didn't need the help of the British. Gandhi was so dedicated to this that he took about two hours out of his day to spin and weave his clothing.
He believed deeply in non violence. No matter what he didn't fight back physically but mentally. Even when the British would beat them. He still didn't fight back. He was a very strong minded man. Gandhi once said "they may torture my body; even kill me. Then they would have my dead body and not my obdience". Gandhi was behind non violent acts so much that he went on hunger strike to stop his people from getting back at the british for the "Amritsar Massacre". It took awhile but when he started getting sick the Indians began to stop the viiolence.
Another great act was the salt march. Gandhi attempted to change the salt tax law by marching 200 miles to the Indian Ocean to make salt. Back then salt was a crucial part of life. Another reason why this march was so huge was because the British taxed people for salt, so this eventually became a drastic economic lost. They were buyin no clothes or salt.
After a couple more boycotts India soon gained there independence. Gandhi played a huge role in the fight for India's independence. He also influenced one of the great civil rights activist; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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